Thursday, March 10, 2011

Polka Dots!

Welcome to my polka dot desk!  As I was sitting on my couch this afternoon trying to figure out a good title for my new blog, I started to think about the things I like & also what makes me a little different.  I love polka dots! Particularly small ones, but really any will do.  It's become sort of an obsession with me & I get such a girly thrill when I find something that has them.  Anything from office supplies to scrapbook paper & even my kitchen pot holders, I just love them!  It's something that I have always loved & one of the things I like to celebrate in my otherwise basic & functional kind of personality.  
Speaking of my basic & functional kind of personality, I have to share a little side story about my current handbag.  (Yes, bag not bags.)  I dread going shopping for a new handbag as I have a long list of exactly the kind of handbag that I am needing.  It has to be a certain size, hit my side at just the right spot...not being too long or too short.  I want the closures, zippers & snaps to be a certain way & by all means it must be a bag that I can match with any outfit.  When I had to replace my last handbag & the long process began of finding the perfect replacement, I stumbled upon a beautiful Franco Sarto handbag.  It was perfect!  Black, sleek, stylish, perfect handles & height.  What topped it off for me & almost made me squeal in delight were the adorable colored polka dots that lined the inside!  And an even better bonus was the mini polka dot umbrella that came with it!  If you could have only seen my grin as I discovered this!
So, now that you know how much I love polka dots, you are probably wondering why The Polka Dot Desk? Why include a fun but frivolous thing as polka dots in the title?  I wanted to remember that as I blog upon many different topics, some fun, some personal, some educational, some serious, that I am unique & to be celebrated for just that.  It can be quite tempting at times to change who we are to get the "approval" of others or to feel the need to fit in to their ideas & their way of life.  It's such a sad reality in our culture today but something that happens all the time.  We run straight into the arms of our culture, hoping for approval, only to realize that we just missed the mark.  So we turn around, modify ourselves, & run again.  The cycle is never ending & never satisfying & leaves us wondering who we really are.  The best thing to do is to look at the strengths you do possess & dive into those.  Nurture what makes you special & you will start to feel an acceptance come over you.  God created you beautiful & talented & unique just the way you are & He celebrates His creation.  Don't forget who you are & you will never be forgettable!

More to come from The Polka Dot Desk.

1 comment:

  1. Oh this made me smile! Fun and then ... whammo... you get me with some Truth! So glad to see you blogging again.
