Monday, May 30, 2011

The Soldier of My Heart

The Soldier of My Heart

The soldier of my heart
Is a strong and solid man
He is brave and courageous
defending the people of this land
He runs into battle, not knowing what he'll see
He fights for the freedom for all of us overseas
He protects, he provides, he cherishes those he holds dear
For this day could be his last, the end is ever near
Will his life and sacrifice be all done in vain?
Will he be remembered and honored for enduring such excruciating pain?
Lest us not forget the soldiers who gave it all
And remember those who fought beside them and were blessed that didn't fall
They are the ones that bear the weight each and every day
Remembering the sacrifice, enduring the nightmares and the pain
For they know the true cost of the freedom we take for granite everyday
So let the soldier of my heart be honored in every way
Cherish your loved ones
Be kind to all you see
Appreciate your freedom and our flag that flies so beautifully
The soldier of my heart, can be the soldier of yours too
Take a moment and thank our God above for the red, white, and blue.

Written by:  Winona Owen 

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